Material processing
Upon customers’ requirements, new devices are continuously developed, serving for subsequent processing of workpieces and supplied as accessories to our standard machines.
One of the most frequently used material processing technologies is post-cutting both-sided chamfering of metal pieces, performed with various levels of automation. Other frequently supplied devices include machines for demagnetising, machining and flushing pipes, and final length control. Individual operations may be further combined and adjusted as required by the customer.

Demagnetising serves for the removal of residual magnetism which the material gains during handling and cutting, or from other sources. Magnetism may have a negative effect in further automatic processing of workpieces and may cause their extensive contamination with swarf.
Machining of ends
By integrating the machining device the customer will gain a tool for fully automatic machining of material ends, particularly edge chamfering, drilling centred holes, levelling ends, etc. The machining head is designed upon the requirements on the shape of material ends. Gühring machining heads of ...
Material deburring ORBITAL
ORBITAL deburring machine serves for both-sided automatic deburring of bars and profiles of various diameters, shapes, and lengths. Material loaded into the deburring chamber is clamped and then deburred on both sides, when deburring supports move to a set position. Thorough deburring is ensured by ...
Material shape identification
The material is identified with a camera system including an evaluation unit. It may be located in any section of the production line where it is necessary to obtain information on proper direction, number of pieces in a load, to determine approximate dimensions of material so that the subsequent op...
Output control and recording
The device for length control provides automatic control of cut lengths, recording measured lengths, and separating lengths which are outside a specified tolerance, into a separate crate. Length accuracy of the measuring device is 0.01 mm.
Passing material deburring
The pass-through deburring machine serves for both-sided automatic deburring of bars and profiles of various diameters. Pass-through deburring is particularly suitable for deburring metal pipes. Metal pieces to be deburred pass continuously over deburring brushes. The deburring level may be set by t...
Pipe washing
If the customer requires a perfectly clean, surface-treated material after the final machining, a flushing device may be used. The modular design of washing machines allows multilevel washing and subsequent treatment of workpiece surfaces to be performed. Common operations include multilevel washing...